Get Grounded

Welcome to this freely offered healing space.  

Dear you,

You are a gift to the evolving consciousness, and it's an honor to walk along side of you. 

I recognize that healing is hard and fulfilling work and understand that it requires additional energy and insight to move your consciousness forward.  This program is available for to refill your tank and offer new vibrations and avenues for personal healing.

See you in the next program!

To your deepening roots,


The Healing Space
Lynne Mctaggart -  Internationally bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight.

“This extraordinarily gifted healer and teacher has taken energy healing to a powerful new level through her deep understanding of life’s essential interconnectedness. She creates an energetic alchemy between healer and healee by tapping into the energetic space between them, always reflecting back the possibility of absolute healing. Her many contributions to the healing canon include a highly original energetic protocol that quickly and permanently heals childhood attachment wounds, through which she has healed thousands. When it comes to healing with full-hearted love, compassion and positivity, Amelia Vogler is, quite simply, the rare – and real – article.”

Internationally bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight.

The Healing Space
Cyndi Dale - Author of 30 bestselling energy medicine books, including The Subtle Body series.

“Amelia’s heart and skill for healing is boundless. Her knowledge base about energy healing is vast–and even more powerful–is the accuracy and compassion she brings to every session, class, and endeavor. I’ve not met anyone with her precision of truth and energy medicine expertise. It’s been my good fortune to share time with her and be on the receiving end of her blessed gifts.”

Author of 30 bestselling energy medicine books, including The Subtle Body series.

Who is this program for?

Anyone wanting to live through these times awake enough to be responsive, clear enough to be discerning, grounded enough to be strong, divinely connected enough to be creative, and resourced enough to be give back and stretch yourself in the direction of positive change.  

Why join us?

Why not?  It’s a freely offered, high vibe quarterly space offered in love for you to take a few minutes to regroup, reground, recharge, and re-inspire yourself.   

Our Next Session is August 15th:

 Clearing Cords and Securing Boundaries in the Auric Field and Third Chakra

Program Details

Dates & Times

Our live quarterly calls are the second Thursday each quarter at 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm Eastern Time.

 (Reminders will be sent along ahead of the call and recordings sent after.)


February 8, 2024: 12:30pm – 1:15 pm Eastern Time 

Healing with Soul Codes through the Hara

May 9, 2024: 12:30pm – 1:15 pm Eastern Time 

Healing with the Non-Visible Color Spectrum

August 15, 2024 12:30pm - 1:15pm Eastern Time (Please note: Third Thursday this month)

Clearing Cords and Securing Boundaries in the Auric Field and Third Chakra

November 7, 2024 12:30pm - 1:15pm Eastern Time

Using Whale songs to Heal the Heart

*Additional dates follow this schedule and will be posted closer to the new year.

The Healing Space

The Healing Space

The Healing Space


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