Meet Amelia
Meet Amelia
Hey! Here's a little of my story
I grew up around my father’s family funeral home. That experience allowed me to cultivate a rich and unusual relationship with the human spirit.
I saw and experienced ‘energy work’ as a young child, but not under that name. At times, when I was at my father’s office, I would watch him place his hand on the back of someone’s heart and hold them in a heart-centered and caring way. He was communicating to them that “he was there to help them and that things were going to be ok.” I watched the soothing and softening that came over his client. I watched a visible quieting and comfort that was brought forward as he held these clients carefully and with heart-centered intent.
Like many children, my Dad occasionally picked me up from school and took us over to his office so that he could finish up something at the end of the day. There, at our family’s funeral home, I saw a tremendous amount of people who were not alive. I compared them to “us”—those of whom are very much alive. I looked into what the difference was —and created a lifelong inquiry into understanding those things that define our aliveness and our spirit.
The funeral home has been our family for over 250 years.
It was such an informative, educational canvas for me to behold. I believe there is also a genetic and energetic sensitivity that has been passed down from generation to generation (for 8 generations) in my family. I watched my brother carry the same sensitivity for caretaking over the grieving as my father. I watched my sister and her deep and intrinsic gifts with small children and babies. Seeing how this energetic sensitivity has unfolded, I know deeply that my roots in this work are no accident.
My mother has her own contributions to my story as a healer. Specifically around my sensitivity to sound/tone and my love of the earth and plants. And to my in-depth knowledge of how to give to others and also stay centered with healthy boundaries. My mother learned to play 24 instruments—including the harp, which was one of her favorites. I remember as a child her singing at the piano. When listening to her, little places of my heart would come alive around her voice and her beautiful music. She later went back to school and opened a hybrid Rhododendron nursery and bred beautiful new plants in lath houses on the farm on which I grew up. Those flowers became an unforgettable piece of my childhood. The intrigue of watching their cycles and the patience of assisting in their care was an essential part of my own growth.
Amelia Vogler, MS, SEM
Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist
In 17 years in private practice, I have helped over 7,000 clients around the globe with their personal healing and while doing so allowing each individual to feel like they are family.
My promise to you is that you will feel wholly cared and respected and when you are in my care you have the deepest well of my gifts, love, and attention and you will have an uncommon level of dedicated support.
Personal Energetic Story
I was introduced to the clinical aspects of the energy work through an indirect treatment of debilitating and consistent migraine headaches. When I was first introduced to energy medicine, I was working on a very high-performing team at a Fortune 500 company. I was exhausted, burned out, and filled with an empty feeling. A friend pointed me to a Healing Touch practitioner, whom I began working with bi-weekly. Delighted by the soothing, I consistently sought energy therapy as a way to mitigate my life stress. And, then, a few months into it, I realized that I hadn’t been to the hospital for a migraine. And then half a year passed.
And then a year, and, now, it has been almost 12 years with no migraines. And in addition to being migraine free, I found my first beloved Healing Touch mentor and friend. She was a nurse, who helped me understand the energy aspects of the organs and supported me as I better learned the physical aspects of our physiology and anatomy.
Following my internal compass, I shifted out of a story with Corporate America. I created (or re-created) my story to become one that contains chapters of deep personal Spiritual work. One of the comprehensive studies of anatomy and physiology, energy theory, practice, and finally, to include the opening of my clinical Energy work private practice—The Healing Space.
My Beliefs About Energy Medicine
I believe that healing and wellness happen on many levels—emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic. By supporting all of these levels, anyone can achieve a higher state of health, with increased vitality, and can feel a deeper resonance of happiness and fullness.
I have a profound relationship with the work done in each of our sessions. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of finding harmony with one’s life path, the physical body, and the community. I think that as we learn to know balance and harmony, our physical self, spiritual self, and emotional self improves.
I am also a lover of anatomy and physiology, and I enjoy exploring the relationship between optimal physical health, cellular intelligence, and energetic support. A few of my internships have had a focus on epigenetic healing – or ancestral healing. And some of the newest theories around isms – like alcoholism, narcissism, and allergy support.
By informing and healing at the cellular level energetically, I believe that you can find and restore your physical balance, peace of mind and spirit, and health. I extend this methodology to support various illnesses and disease patterns, cancer treatment support, pain management, self-esteem work, and stress reduction.
In the psycho-spiritual realm, I believe that when energies are cleared that no longer serve, we can begin to explore and get to know those energies that DO help us. We can embrace the ones that are resonant with ourselves—and thus uncover their highest potential.
I also believe that the most beautiful effects of this work are when we get to take the gift that is our self out into the community. And by doing so, strengthen our collective and inspire others to do the same.
All of these aspects of energy therapy, I believe, are a way to “go deeper” with ourselves. I love this phrase, because “going deeper” helps us to know best what to keep in our lives and what to let go of. I believe that this journey isn’t always about identifying those things that aren’t serving but finding new ways of attracting what does. These are physical experiences, emotional patterns, mental beliefs, new relationships, and/or benevolent Spiritual energies.
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