Healing Programs and Products

Featured Program



Energetic Preventative Care Program

Each month, you will receive a new self-care, energy-healing session. 
This session is rich with the energy of a group field. Individuals from all over the world came together and were guided by Amelia’s genuine healing gifts. Her voice guides you with a gentle clarity and her channeling seems to attend to exactly what is needed when you listen.

What are the benefits?

Monthly energy sessions are recommended to keep your energy system open and flowing, but not everyone can afford that – until today. I started this program so that anyone could get the consistent support that they need to keep their energy system tuned up and keep themselves flowing through life.

This program is designed to be a healing experience that contains the energy of a living group field. Each time another individual listens their vibration adds to the frequency of the healing field.

This comprehensive program is essentially everything-you-need to keep your energy system maintained.


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