June/July 2024 Course Announcement: 

The course will be taught through a recording of last year's live classes. To support learning, Amelia will meet you for three live Q&A, review, and practice calls and will be available for questions by e-mail throughout the course.   This is to allow Amelia some grace as she heals her ankle from reconstructive surgery at the end of June. Due to the shift, this course is being offered at a significantly discounted tuition. 

This course is the prerequisite to the practitioner Level 1 course taught this Fall. 

Foundations of the Hara

Foundations of the Hara Introduction

The hara is the energy dimension that carries the wisdom of your soul between and through lifetimes. Accessing this dimension opens the wisdoms of your Spiritual inheritance and illuminates the potentials for your Spiritual evolution spiraling forth through this experience we call ‘life on Earth.’

The most important skill that you need to know when working with the hara (for self or with others) is how to hold this energy in your own being. The goal of this course is to do that that, to support you in being able to hold, access, and understand your own haric dimension.

As an individual, being grounded in your Hara supports ease in manifesting, strengthens your vitality, reduces anxiety, and returns you to your center. In addition, being anchored in this system strengthens your connection to the Universal wisdom and increases your connection to the Greater Spirit and your personal Spirit.

As a practitioner, being grounded in your Hara makes you a better listener because you are entirely in yourself and your boundaries. In addition, this grounding increases the vibration of your field. When in a blended therapeutic energy field, you can hold a frequency that helps another individual access their grounding and inner wisdom with greater ease and allows for the unparalleled potential for healing and transformation.

What Past Students Say...

The Healing Space
Karen -  Calgary, Canada

“Through many years of energy work I have never had such an in-depth understanding and description of the working of the Hara; It is very helpful in understanding your own energy system and in helping those you work with.”

Calgary, Canada

The Healing Space
Connie - Springfield, IL

“Amelia is amazing and knowledgeable. If you want a more full and immersive dive that goes beyond working with the chakra system, The Hara Dimension takes you on a deeper path to that place of your origination. Amelia offers meditations and exercises to more fully integrate her teaching that can be used anywhere. ”

Springfield, IL

The Healing Space
Linda - Mint Hill, NC

“If you feel that your energy work is ready for a deeper level of understanding, then this course is for you. ”

Mint Hill, NC

The Healing Space
Patricia -  La Mesa, CA

“Every course I’ve taken with Amelia gets better and better. I highly recommend The Foundations of the Hara course. In this course Amelia teaches about the energy of the hara, how to connect, feel and expand each node. She teaches various hara hygiene practices and provides meditations to help with anchoring your hara. I’m always amazed at how much wisdom and knowledge she has to share. Every lesson, whether spoken or written, is detailed, yet clear and easy to follow. She is prolific in what she writes and her meditations are beautiful. She stays engaged throughout the entire course with emails, responds to questions and engages with everyone on the call. Amelia is extremely generous with her knowledge, wisdom and time. Honestly, I would recommend any one of Amelia’s courses.”

La Mesa, CA

The Healing Space
Debbie - West Australia

“I would recommend this course as it is such a perfect foundation and offers so much potential. Amelia is a very experienced teacher, very thorough, thoughtful and organised in the delivery of the material. She has a gift of being able to teach complex topics in a way that is understandable, practical and healing”

West Australia

The Healing Space
Greta - Phoenix, AZ

“This course was a wonderful introduction to energy healing and the Hara. I especially loved the practices and meditations. I plan to listen to all of the teachings a second time, and I look forward to future classes with Amelia. ”

Phoenix, AZ

The Healing Space
Donna - Amery, WI

“If you take this course, you will be changed, more connected to your life when you take this course. In my morning rituals I used to connect to my hara mostly from my lower dantian. Now I do it much more expansively.”

Amery, WI

The Healing Space
Terri - St. Louis, MO

“Take it. Learning about the Hara has been on my bucket list since I learned about it through Healing Touch. There is so little information on this and now I feel I have an understanding of what the Hara’s role is in our energy system.”

St. Louis, MO

About the Course

In this course series, you will be lead on a journey of remembering who you are and learning how to stay connected to your essence through new perspective, energetic techniques and practices.

We’ll journey together from star to body and explore techniques for homecoming that span the entire energy system: the merdians, nadis, chakras, core star and, of course, the hara.

Regardless of whether you are newer to energy or an experienced practitioner, you will leave the class understanding:

  • the architecture of your system of wholeness (your hara) – including what the nodes look like and the flow
  • the birth and re-birth process of your soul and how the hara functions in this process
  • the common patterns that keep your hara from flowing optimally
  • how trauma expresses throughout the energy system and why the hara is the place to work with it
  • how to apply self-healing techniques to keep your essential energies flowing through your hara and supporting your soul’s embodied evolution
  • an introduction to attachment styles wounds and how these appear energetically
  • the main acupressure points to awaken the flow of the hara through the body’s meridian channels
  • how to express your core star energy and infuse your life with essential creative energies
  • an introduction to the different energies of your central channel, your three dantains*, your chakras, and your Sushumna, Ida and Pingala nadis
  • how to work with personalized sacred geometry to balance your hara flow
  • a wonderful anchoring technique to ground the hara and stay connected to this system

*Dantian is alternatively spelled dan t’ian, dan tien,  tan t’ien  or tan tien.

  • The Healing Space

    “Amelia’s heart and skill for healing is boundless. Her knowledge base about energy healing is vast–and even more powerful–is the accuracy and compassion she brings to every session, class, and endeavor. I’ve not met anyone with her precision of truth and energy medicine expertise. It’s been my good fortune to share time with her and be on the receiving end of her blessed gifts.”

    author of 27 bestselling energy medicine books, including The Subtle Body series.

About the Training

You are invited to participate in this foundational video-based training with Energy Specialist Amelia Vogler, which explores the system of soul – an energy dimension known as the Hara.

You will journey between group experiences, meditations, self-healing techniques (for self or to share with others), and experiential teachings to support your essential connection to your soul.

At the end of the course, you will be guided in a hara-based healing at to support the integration of the material from the day's class and also offer healing directly to your soul through this amazing system of the hara.

Why participate?

The hara energy dimension holds the keys to our spiritual grounding and our soul’s freedom from trauma* – in this lifetime and past ones.  When you understand the architecture of your Spirit, Soul and embodiment, you begin to see your life through the larger patterns that keep you from feeling grounded and most alive. When working in the hara, you are working in the template for your remembered connection to yourself, to all living beings, and to the Universal field.

This course illuminates your core spiritual architecture and gives you practical techniques so that you can ground, awaken, and amplify your Spiritual gifts, your grounding, and light your inner pilot light.

In hara grounding, you will…

  • have an endless stream of inspiration and creativity
  • connect to the powers that support manifesting
  • have fulfilling relationships full of authenticity and depth without fear
  • remain deeply connected to your capacity for self-healing
  • access to your truth and your ability to speak it
  • put your own story to the side to hear others
  • fall in love more deeply with others (or deeper in love with yourself)
  • access your virtues or the energies of Spiritual Truths
  • connect to an unlimited store of personal power and resilience
  • restore a deep connection to the Divine and open to the mystery unfolding around (and within you)
  • sharpen your many intuitive powers

*Trauma, in our class definition, could be small moments of not being seen, heard, and acknowledged in life or more extreme forms of neglect or abuse.  In this class, we’ll talk about trauma generally and learn how it presents in the energy system through our limiting beliefs – or, beliefs that limit our awareness of our purest and most amazing potential.

What will you discover?

Architecture of the Universe and your Self: Discover the trinity of all manifested things and explore evolutionary universal principles that produce the experiences needed for growth, healing, and evolution.

Attachment Energetics:  Every relationship you have whether it be with yourself, Spirit, or another individual plays out through the interactions of attachment styles.  Learn about these primary relationship styles from an energetic perspective so that you can identify them in your own life and evaluate whether they are serving you.

Origin Story: Learn the story of how you were born from the stars to your body and experience the human energy system come alive. Finally, you will discover the connection between the Earth, your ancestors, your body, your meridians, nadis, dantians, hara, core star, and the Universal consciousness.

Chakras 8-12: Review the out of body chakras and how your Core Light and Hara empower these.

Hara: Go deeper with and explore the primary energy system that acts as the bridge between your body (and its connection to the Earth) and your Soul.

Healing Practices:  You’ll explore healing techniques across the entire energy system to support you channeling your essence and essential soul energy through your body.  These include:

  • Alternate Nostril Breathing – A self-care practice that tones and balances the nervous system through the nadis.
  • Core Star Embodiment –  A practice that expands the original impulse of your Spirit through your energy system to support your creativity (which is your original birthright of beingness).
  • Anchoring the Hara – A practice to support you re-anchoring your soul here on Earth and in your body.
  • Soul Codes Healing Technique – A healing technique using the soul codes of the hara. This will be taught for self-healing and healing for others.
  • Inner Chakra Wheel Hara Connection – A connection method using the inner wheels of the chakras.
  • You will learn to activate three important meridian points through acupressure points to open the hara flow – these are the Lao Gong, Bubbling Wellspring, and 100 Convergences points.
  • Strengthening the lower dantian.

Healing Techniques: You’ll learn how to balance and expand the nodes of your Hara for self-care and to support friends, clients, or family. This technique is especially supportive for new babies!

Meditations:  This class has professionally recorded meditations to support your strengthening your connection to your hara, to your essence, and to your embodied wholeness.

  • The Hara Anchoring Meditation  – To anchor your Hara energy to the Earth for empowerment.
  • The Star Within – To expand your authentic creative expression through your energy system.
  • The Universal Creation Meditation – To connect you with the Universal field and support your anchoring to your first and forever home.

Experience: This is a journey-style class, which means that between the live classes you are presented with readings, meditations and offerings to deepen your embodied and lived awareness of your own hara.  This course is enriched with the following experiences:

  • QiGong practice with (the amazing) John Walcott, QiGong Instructor and Healer in Ft. Pierce, FL, recorded for this course to support the well of your lower dantian (the well of your vital energy).
  • “The Hara” electronic dance music composed and created (the amazing) Treee City, which was created as a sonic teaching tool for trauma in the energy system.
  • The Healing Space

    “This extraordinarily gifted healer and teacher has taken energy healing to a powerful new level through her deep understanding of life’s essential interconnectedness. She creates an energetic alchemy between healer and healee by tapping into the energetic space between them, always reflecting back the possibility of absolute healing. Her many contributions to the healing canon include a highly original energetic protocol that quickly and permanently heals childhood attachment wounds, through which she has healed thousands. When it comes to healing with full-hearted love, compassion and positivity, Amelia Vogler is, quite simply, the rare – and real – article.”

    internationally bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight.

Foundations of the Hara Schedule

June 25 - July 1 - On-Demand Orientation with Background Lessons

July 2 - Class 1 Recording becomes available.

July 5  - On-Demand Self-Care Techniques

July 9 - Class 2 Recording becomes available.

July 11 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT Live Q&A and Review with Amelia

July 12 - On-Demand Self-Care Techniques

July 16 - Class 3 Recording becomes available.

July 18 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT Live Q&A and Review with Amelia 

July 19 - On-Demand Self-Care Techniques 

July 23 - Class 4 Recording becomes available.

July 26 - On-Demand Self-Care Techniques

August 6 -  2:00pm - 4:00pm Live Practice and Integration with Amelia 

  • The Healing Space

    “I was immediately struck not only by Amelia’s depth of knowledge but of her ability to translate what would be complex Spiritual practices and make them easy to absorb and practical in their application. She’s one of the handful of instructors that I have met that has that ability to teach this way. Amelia has a natural gift of making you feel completely at ease and confident in this field of study. As teacher of this work, she is almost too humble; you would never know the massive Spirit and depth of Spiritual knowledge that she has. In your conversation with her it is revealed every single time.

    Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or brand new to this path, if you are thinking of studying energy medicine or energy theory, there is no better teacher that Amelia. She will help you create the foundation that you need to soar in this work and if you are new, she will inspire you deeply.

    I’m grateful to have met Amelia and she’s one of the great teachers in my life and I greatly recommend her.”

    Teacher of QiGong, QiGong Healing since 1976

Prerequisite Requirements

Prerequisites include any of these:

  • Healing Touch Level 1 (or greater)
  • Reiki First Level Transmissions and an active practice
  • Cyndi Dale Apprenticeship or Shift Network Certification
  • A past (or current) practice of energy medicine
  • Foundations of Energy Medicine course (with me)
  • Additional coursework with the human energy system

The Hara dimension is the most foundational system of your human energy system.

For you to receive the most out of this class, it is important that you have a working understanding of the chakra system and a general understanding of the channels of energy that run through the body known as the meridians and the nadis.

If you feel as though a refresher would be appropriate for you, please write to us, we have ideas!



Trauma is experienced in the body, but held in the hara. It expresses through limiting beliefs and enacted adaptions. Healing from these traumas happens in the hara when these adaptions are no longer needed and you are able to live from the full potential of a connected life with earth, with another, with self, and with Spirit.


Please join Amelia for this foundational training program and enter into a relationship with energetic dimension of your wholeness, the hara.

*Recorded and recording placed in your online course*

A Certificate is provided for 22 Continuing Education Hours for this course.

(These are not official CEUs but can be used for many programs such as Healing Touch Program for continuing education.)

Foundations of Hara

The System of Being and Belonging

Video-Based Class

Dates and Times

Orientation Dates/Times:

Online course opens June 25 with Welcome and Background lessons

Live Q&A Dates/Times:

July 11 from 1pm - 2:30pm
July 18 from 1pm - 2:30pm
(10:00 am – 11:30 am Pacific /  6:00 pm – 7:30 pm London)

Integration call
July 25th from 1pm – 2pm ET

All classes held on Zoom (web conferencing) & Recording placed in online course

Experiential Material:

You will receive experiential materials to deepen your learning experience.

Single Payment


Repeat Student Single Payment


Class Requirements:

No more than 75 students can attend the program live to provide consistent support. Amelia will be available throughout the program for individual questions by e-mail.

Content Updates:

Amelia reserves the right to edit or modify content, as needed throughout the program to support the best learning outcomes for her students and to increase the value of the course materials.

System Requirements:

All live classes are taught through Zoom. It is recommended that you join all of our live calls from a computer rather than a tablet or phone for the ease of your class and breakout experiences. You can test your computer with Zoom using this link: https://zoom.us/test

All of the course content is stored on a well-known and well-tested online learning management system (Simplero). Throughout the course, there are short videos that you will be asked to watch. You will need to have sufficient internet bandwidth to stream videos from YouTube or Vimeo. It is recommended that you use a computer rather than a tablet or phone to access your course materials.

Cancellation Policy:

Full refunds will be granted if you request to withdraw from the course by July 05, 2024. After July 5th, a prorated credit will be issued that can be used towards another course offered through the Vogler Institute.

Refund requests as a result of technical issues:

  • If a technical failure at the participant’s home or workplace prevents access to the live class or the online course, the participant will not be given a refund. It is the responsibility of the participant to confirm system requirements and test their computers prior to the start of the course.
  • If a technical failure for a live class is the fault of Amelia Vogler, she will offer an alternative live date or timely recorded content, the participant will not be given a refund.

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