Journey Groups ™
Journey Groups ™
Healing through the Advanced Subtle Wisdoms of the Chakras
Practical and small experiential group* journeys for those seeking group support to help awaken and strengthen the Spirit within.
8 Week Journey this Fall...
Advanced Subtle Wisdoms of the Chakras
A journey group focusing on clearing and balancing through the 7 frequencies and 9 bands of each chakra:
Band 1: Affirming Soul Truth
Bands 2-8: Auric Patterns by Frequency Level
Band 9: Protective Soul Seals
Wednesdays October 23rd - December 11th
12 pm – 2 pm (Eastern Time)
*VERY LIMITED GROUP – No more than 12 thoughtfully and intentionally selected individuals per group.
As of Sept 4, there are only 8 seats left in this program.
What do Amelia’s student’s say…
Where two or more are gathered, Spirit is there.
This journey group explores the most powerful method for soul healing and expansion of consciousness – the simple (but not always easy) practice of presence.
For eight weeks, you and your intimate journey group, weave an energetic basket filled with healing gifts to be received, tenderness to be felt, truth to be revealed, and transformation unfolded.
This Spiritual journey is part energetic training, part personal healing, and part sharing time and silence and a space in a small loving group (cue laughing, connection, and being seen, heard, and loved on – all while seeing, hearing, and loving others.)
Who is best served by this program?
The group welcomes with love the Spirit-hearted and curious individual who endeavors to walk in and through love, stay open to signs from the Universe, and is generally curious about how the chakra system holds invaluable keys to healing and increased vibration and resilience.
Group Dates/Times:
Wednesday Afternoons: 12 pm – 2 pm (Eastern Time)
Groups meet on Zoom.
What will you receive in this group?
At the highest level, this journey group is about uncovering some of the hidden wisdoms of the primary chakras (think BEYOND the yoga posters) and using those wisdoms for self-healing.
We will be covering the sacred trinity that expresses through each chakra - the affirming truths of your inner wheels, the addictions and over-expression of patterns in the auric fields, and the protective mirrors of the chakra seals.
When we meet together, we learn from one another, receive from one another, affirm each of our potentials, and support each other in growing, transforming, and healing.
As your journey group bears witness to your life, you learn about love as the primary healer. As you bear witness to others, you deepen your ability to hold a healing space for others.
Will you learn new healing practices?
In this journey group, we will use one foundational healing practice which grounds our Presence and apply this with clear intention to vector healing through each of the 7 in-body chakras (one at a time).
This format will allow you to focus both on new technique and identifying new doorways to open for healing.
This practice will add new volumes to your healing library and expand the potential for others to have transformative experiences in your presence.
This group is both for practitioners of energy medicine and anyone who finds themselves in the company of others.
What do others say about previous Journey Groups?
“This journey has awakened me into a life that is bigger and more magical than I have ever known.”
‘This week, the chronic pain in my body was released and I didn’t have to take my pain medicine.”
“I have never felt comfortable in a small group until I found this space with you.”
“It is so alive here and I have loved meeting the others. I was nervous because I am sensitive and I have felt deeply at home here.”
“In presence, I am finding a kindness that I had forgotten existed.”
“I learned new ways to energetically support myself; I learned that I am self-possessed. My soul journey became clearer and I feel more aligned with who I am meant to be.”
“My intuition was heightened to another level.”
What’s the format for our Journey…
Each journey group will meet for 2 hours. This two-hour block is designed to be a living container with ample time to give and receive healing and integrate and ground the experience. We will do our best to honor the time commitment.
Three days prior to class, you will receive video-based teachings and a weekly meditation and writing or meditation prompts from me.
- The video teaching is thoughtfully curated based on the chakra-of-the week and some of the less well known aspects of each chakras. This video provides the "data" for you to consider for your intention for healing in the journey group and builds your knowledge of the chakra.
- The weekly meditation is for your self care, for your expansion, and for your continued support as an anchor for your transformation. These meditations allow you to bring the week’s teachings directly into the energy body and guide and ground these teachings into the physical.
- The writing or meditation prompts are optional but offered should you wish to continue to work with the teachings.
We will begin each session with sharing and weaving the energy of the group together.
The first 90 minutes are for giving and receiving healing in small groups. The last 30 minutes allow for questions or for deeper generative conversation.
The generosity of time also allows for a period of silence and integration.
This is a space of nurture and will not be rushed.
This space is about committing to yourself and stepping into collaboration and healing.
What additional support is available?
In addition to our journey group’s support, you have me, Amelia, in your pocket, journeying with you and alongside you. I’m here for your questions, stories, and thoughts through e-mail throughout the journey. Individuals in the previous journeys have found this to be one of the most important and sustaining elements of the program because it allows you to continue the journey in a very personal way, addressing exactly where you are, what’s coming up, and receiving intuitive, practice, and experienced guidance along the way.
I invite you to get close, be curious, and explore your life. I will lend you my intuition, offer my visions, fill you in on what I’m noticing and be here as an ally as you journey.
Our eight weeks together will flow through the following themes and topics.
Our theme is: Using the advanced subtle wisdoms of the chakras to expand and deepen our healing (and awareness of the chakra system).
- Week 1: Our Tool: Presence
- This is the space of alchemy between you and Spirit. It allows you to cultivate your healing space through a living relationship between body, soul, and Spirit. It is in this relationship that healing waves of energy, known as scalar waves, flow.
- Learn the Sacred Alignments of the healing space - our safe, protected and potent space for healing.
- Explore and heal through the 7 frequencies and 9 bands of your auric field.
- Band 1: Affirming Soul Truths
- Bands 2-8: Auric Patterning
- Band 9: Protective Soul Seals
- This is the space of alchemy between you and Spirit. It allows you to cultivate your healing space through a living relationship between body, soul, and Spirit. It is in this relationship that healing waves of energy, known as scalar waves, flow.
- Weeks 2-8: The Seven In-body Chakras
- Each week, we will focus on one chakra (and its associated 9 bands) beginning wit the root and moving up to the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown.
- Together we will invoke our healing space and use scalar waves to organize the energy based on your healing intention.
- For each chakra, we will be working with the sacred trinity of each chakra - the soul affirming truths, the auric patterning, and the soul seal. We will follow a very specific protocol repeated for each chakra to:
- Energize and enlighten your hara-based affirming truth in the first band of each chakra.
- Apply scalar intention to shift patterns in the auric bands of each chakra.
- Affirm and set the 9th band, the chakra's soul seal (a reflection of our inner Divine) to protect and mirror your optimum patterning.
- Energize and enlighten your hara-based affirming truth in the first band of each chakra.
By the end of the program, you will have deepened your chakra knowledge and grounded the integrity of your affirming truth from the very center of the chakra all the way to the outer shell. This results in a full-spectrum healing through all of the 63 levels of your expanded chakra system.
This journey is both healing and educational with a focus on applying sacred knowledge in an experiential healing space.
Here are some helpful orientation details:
- The journey groups are hosted on Zoom. The journeys will be recorded, but remember, the magic happens when we are together, and your participation is cherished.
- We meet five times on October 23 - December 11 2024 at 12 pm – 2 pm (Eastern Time).
- Handouts are provided to support your focus and provide easy steps for you to follow in your class healing circles. (These instructions can be used in your home practice anytime).
- Weekly meditations will allow you to go deeper with the teachings and serve to deepen the energies after our meeting.
- A weekly prompt is offered to support bringing the teachings into your conscious awareness.
- 20 hours of Continuing Education credits* in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Development.
- Registration will be confirmed after being formally accepted into the program after application.
Full Pay: $475
2 Payments of $237.50 (First payment upon acceptance into the program, second payment drafted one month later.)
3 Payments of $168 (First payment upon acceptance into the program, second and third payments each drafted monthly until fulfilled.)
Program Policies and Notes:
Future access: Because this course is a live-format, content for this program is available for 3 months after the program's end and all content and materials can be downloaded to your computer.
*Continuing Education: This program offers 20 hours in Continuing Education. These are not official CEU's but programs, such as Healing Touch Program, honor this course for recertification requirements. A certificate is offered at the end of the program from Vogler Institute at no additional charge.
Sound exciting?
If so, please fill out this application form.
Questions? Contact Amelia directly at
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