Communicating with Animals and Plants™
Communicating with Animals and Plants™
A Mini-Journey to Strengthen your Conversation with Nature (and All of Life)
A Mini Journey with Grounding & Energy Specialist Amelia Vogler
Animal and plants are evolved Spiritual beings that have been on this planet serving as our ancestors and our bridge to the Spiritual world.
Humans are the only ones in Nature who can lose their way or forget who we are – our animal and plant companions are here to help bring us back.
It is no secret that the pandemic thrust the entire human kingdom into a place of pause. A pause pregnant with opportunities to learn to listen to our deeper needs, our secret desires, the unacknowledged longings for space and stillness. And as we are birthed at our birthing’s pace, we arrive in the opportunity to take our new listening skills and develop new communication tools.
In this in-depth and illuminating 4-part series, Amelia will guide you through her process of tuning in, listening to, and communicating with the natural world. When you speak with the natural world you speak with the Universe. You speak with the All. It is in this communication, you are instantly dialoging beyond separation and engaging with the healing Oneness. These are the conversations that will heal your heart, heal your body, and heal your Spirit.
Together we will explore the multiple layers of nature-based communication and gain confidence in our abilities to connect with Nature.
Wait? What’s a journey?
Amelia guides through journeys rather than teaches classes. These four weeks will flow with content and activities that drop in from time to time throughout the duration of the class to inspire, deepen the teachings, and bring the content to life. These courses are experiential and lived. As the great mystics teach, Spirituality is lived not learned.
Did you know that humans are the only living beings in Nature who lose their compass of Oneness and forget who we are?
Plants and animals are wonderful teachers to help us find our way home to our Truth.
Why Participate?
Communicating with Nature reveals healing messages for your body, mind, and Spirit.
Communing with Oneness grounds your Soul, helps you to regain your center, and find your way back to what is most important – living awake through your intuitive capabilities and living connected to the largest web of life.
Conversing with plants and animals is joyful, fun, and helps you to remember who you are at the very deepest and most pure parts of your being.
What will you discover?
Discover the histories of animal-human communication and some of the interesting ways that we know that animals and plants are speaking with us!
Receive a process for quieting your mind and opening your primary intuitive senses. These are the tools that you will use for communication.
Learn a few different ways of connecting to the plants to make communication easier and more available.
Animal & Plant Communication:
Learn about the families of animals and the messages that they carry and be guided to meet an Animal Guide and receive a message.
Learn about the plant families and their elemental (fire, water, earth, air) messages.
Practice: In each of the on-demand videos, we will explore a technique of communication and then enjoy a time to practice in the comfort of your own home.
Sound Healing Journey: The last week, you will be bathed in Kora music with a special presenter to open your heart and connect you with the voices of Nature. (If you have never heard the Kora, it is a magical instrument made of a gourd, animal skins, and fishing line from Africa.)
Extra teaching Bonuses…
Included in the course are these wonderful conversations with some of the best plant and animal communicators that I know.
Hear Cyndi Dale (Author of 28 Best Selling books on Energy Medicine, including Energy Wellness for your Pet) talk about her process for communicating with animals and lessons from the animal kingdom.
Listen in on an intimate conversation with two of the authors of the new book Deeper in the Garden, Meditating with Plants about how they connect and commune with the plant kingdom: Judith Brooks (Herbalist) and myself, Amelia Vogler (Specialist in Energy Medicine).
We have an incredibly special SURPRISE GUEST PRESENTER coming to create the portal of communication for us to travel, as we activate & enhance our innate capacity for listening to Nature!
Information and Pricing
Communicating with Animals and Plants
On-Demand Class
Please join Amelia for this Masterclass and begin to have the messages of Nature supporting your life.
Mini-Journey Overview
Theoretical Grounding
Self-Paced Online Material
The course opens with a self-paced module online that provides the grounding for the course.
- Learn the about types of communication styles of plants and animals.
- Hear the story of how you got from a star to a body, and how you are connected to Nature.
- Discover why we “sense” our way into communicating with Nature and the energetics of Nature-based communication.
- Experience a guided practice to expand your intuitive skills of telepathic communication with sense-based communication.
- Intuition Development Practice with Trance
Plant Communication
Intuition Development and Communicating with All of Nature
In the second self-pased module, you will be introduced to plant communication and have an opportunity to practice communicating with plants.
- Learn about the different elemental voices of the plants.
- Discover connections about the plant wisdoms and their physical appearances.
- Be guided through grounding meditation to open communication with plants.
- Interview: Plant Communication with Judith Brooks & Amelia Vogler
Animal Communication
Communicating with the Animals
In the third self-pased module, you will be introduced to animal communication and have an opportunity to practice communicating with animals.
- Sharpen your intuition through a live grounding practice.
- Learn about the different families of animals and their messages.
- Be guided to meet your own animal guide and receive a healing message from them.
- Interview: Cyndi Dale and Amelia Vogler discuss the energetics of Animal Communication.
Animal Communication
Sound – the Portal to Nature Communication
In the final self-pased module, you will be taken on a sound healing journey by professional Kora musician, Will Ridenour and our communication with the plants and the animals will influenced by the music.
- Learn about why sound is so effective at opening the portal to Nature communication.
- Experience the awakening of the heart through Sound and awakening the portal of nature communication.
- Be guided to listen to a message from Nature for your own personal healing.
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