Lasting Timeless Healing Through Therapeutic Writing

Writing has been scientifically proven to be one of the most effective tools that we have physical, emotional, and Spiritual health.

Welcome to the evidenced-based healing art of therapeutic writing.  It is through the throat chakra that we channel not only auditory messages from beyond, but our inner messages that come from the voice of our Authentic Self, our Spiritual self and the messages of our lived soul life.  Writing brings us into a rich conversation between the past, the present, and the future, your body, mind, soul, and Spirit.  This holistic conversation allows us to get all of the voices to the table, to listen to them, to learn from them, to comfort them, and to grow from them. 

 We will be entering into a sacred container for writing, specifically with the intention for personal healing and resiliency during these incredibly challenging times that we have chosen to incarnate within. 

Health is not about physical wellness, health is optimum well-being (body, mind, and Spirit).   It is about creating an environment that gives rise to our physical vitality, our emotional stability (equanimity), Spiritual awareness (clarity on meaning and purpose), intellectual vitality, being true to oneself, connected to others, and being resilient and joyful.

Resilience is an adaptive gift; it is our ability to adapt to changing circumstances while maintaining equanimity (grounding  or mental / emotional stability under tension and stress.  Resilience is our ability to flourish, to remain steady in our mind, and to stay connected to optimism and joy. Resilience is the great medicine of our times.  


Course Structure

Live Class with Amelia

Join Amelia live on February 7, 14, 21, 28 at 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Eastern Time.

About Each Class

We will be following a time-honored, evidence-based process of therapeutic writing that I learned from John Evans, MAT, MA, EdD and Karen Jooste, MD, MPH at Duke University.   We will start together with an invocation, meditation and short introduction to our writing, then we will mute ourselves and write together.   After our writing time, there is space for processing and discussion. We will close with a grounding meditation. 

February 7:  Introduction & Transactional Writing

During our first class, I will introduce the practice of therapeutic writing. Pennebaker's theory of therapeutic writing and how it differs from journaling, We will start with a writing exercise of transactional writing. The goal will be to help you take care of some of aspect of your life (your health, a relationship, a dream) - something new or unfinished.

A private survey is offered at the end for you to self-evaluate your process.

February 14: Expressive Writing

During our second class, we will be following Pennebaker's paradigm in exploring a traumatic event or major stressor of your choosing.  (Remember, we will not be reading anything aloud.)  In this class, I will guide you through a series of evidence-based writing prompts in support of your healing process. 

A private survey is offered at the end for you to self-evaluate your process.

February 21: The Letters

During our third class, we will write a series of specific letters related to your expressive writing focus the week before.  This series of letters allows you rekindle your sense of power, control, and perspective. Choice is offered between which letters you wish to write, perhaps there is forgiveness or perhaps there is advice that wishes to be imparted or gratitude to be bestowed. 

A private survey is offered at the end for you to self-evaluate your process.

February 28: Affirmative Writing

During our last class, we will write to affirm new in our lives. This does not have to be related to your expressive writing event, but can be if awareness has come that you wish to affirm into actionable focus into your life. This type of writing is positively focused in the present moment while also allowing us to look into the future with tender expressions of our gifts, strengths, and resources.

A private survey is offered at the end for you to self-evaluate your process.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is for anyone seeking deeper self-awareness, healing, and personal growth.  You do not have to be a writer to take this course and all writing remains confidential throughout the entire program.

It is also for those who wish to learn this modality. A follow-on class will be provided in the summer to teach the method for those who wish to include this in their scope of healing practice. Taking the course is a prerequisite to learning the modality.

  • The Healing Space

    “Every teaching presented by Amelia is infused with stardust. What happens when you plant this wisdom in your life? You can grow into your authentic self, branching into directions meaningful and joyful. Amelia is an extraordinary teacher and gardener of all-things-energy, and you’ll treasure every moment spent learning from her. As she walks you into your deepest self, you’ll add riches to your soul. ”

    Intuitive Consultant, Author of 30 best selling energy medicine books, including The Subtle Body series.

Information and Pricing 

Class Details

Online Welcome Section: Opens immediately.
Live Classes:  Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 from 12:00pm-1:30pm Eastern
Where: Zoom (web conferencing) & Online Course for recordings and surveys

Continuing Education

Certificates: 6 hours of Continuing Education is available.




Class Policies:

Future Access:

Future access will be available through your course library with Vogler Institute for three months. You may also download all of the videos and content to your local computer.

Content Updates:

Amelia reserves the right to edit or modify content, as needed throughout the program to support the best learning outcomes for her students and to increase the value of the course materials.

System Requirements:

All live classes are taught through Zoom. It is recommended that you join all of our live calls from a computer rather than a tablet or phone for the ease of your class and breakout experiences. You can test your computer with Zoom using this link:

All of the course content is stored on a well-known and well-tested online learning management system (Simplero). Throughout the course, there are short videos that you will be asked to watch. You will need to have sufficient internet bandwidth to stream videos from this system. It is recommended that you use a computer rather than a tablet or phone to access your course materials and we do not support the mobile app at this time.

Cancellation Policy:

Full refunds will be granted if you request to withdraw from the course by February 6, 2024. After February 6, no refunds will be offered.

Refund requests as a result of technical issues:

  • If a technical failure at the participant’s home or workplace prevents access to the live class or the online course, the participant will not be given a refund. It is the responsibility of the participant to confirm system requirements and test their computers prior to the start of the course.
  • If a technical failure for a live class is the fault of Amelia Vogler, she will offer an alternative live date or timely recorded content, no refunds will be offered.

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